Exhibits Anti-Oxidant properties. For Skin: Maintain the softness, suppleness, and radiance of skin. For Hair: Stimulate the growth of thicker, longer and stronger hair. Eliminates dandruff and thereby supports hair growth.
Add 15 ml to warm water and soak your feet in this preparation. Hair Lice: Mix 50/50 with carrier oil and massage on to your hair and scalp. Leave it on for 1 hour and then shampoo. Repeat once weekly for 3 weeks or as long as the problem persists. To stop mosquitoes breeding: Spray or pour oil on all breeding areas. Plant protection: Add 30 ml to 1 liter of water and add 1 ml of dish washing liquid. Mix well and spray immediately for plant protection. Do not store the mixture, make fresh formulation for each spray. Lamp oil: lamp oil to ward off mosquitoes, add 5-10% oil to any lamp and burn lamp normally. Cleaning the house: Add to carpet shampoo and spray on mattresses to kill dust mites.
Essential oils are compounds extracted from plants. The oils capture the plant's aroma, flavor and “essence.”